Register for Sacred Harp Singing Camp

Email the following information to

First name

Last name

Email address

Phone number

Street address



Zip code


Date of Birth

Will you be staying somewhere besides the Group Site Cabins? i.e. Hotel, RV, etc.

How many and which meals do you plan on providing for yourself?

List names and ages of family members who will be attending.

Have you sung Sacred Harp before?

Do you have a copy of the Sacred Harp 1991 edition for each person in your family who is attending?

Will you be missing any of the camp days? i.e. arriving late, leaving early, etc.

How did you find out about camp?

Why do you want to attend camp?

When did you become a Christian? Give a short personal testimony.

Have you read and agreed to the statement of faith?

Have you read and do you agree to abide by the camp rules and dress code?

Any additional comments:


Email for more information.

Call or text (256) 513-2456

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